INFO Just a quick note to let you know that from 22nd April, tongue-tie divisions won't be available for a while as our tongue-tie practitioner is away on maternity leave. We'll still be here for initial consultations, bodywork, and feeding support, of course. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to welcoming our practitioner back soon!
A woman holding her pregnant stomach


Because ‘hypnobirthing’ sounds like ‘hypnotherapy’, a lot of people are sceptical and think it sounds like mumbo-jumbo. But there’s a difference between the hypnotherapy you see on TV or stage, and true hypnotherapy and hypnobirthing, which is based around the biology of birth. That might still sound fancy, but basically it uses relaxation techniques to relax your body, so that it can perform the natural reflexes of the birthing process as comfortably as possible. Our hypnobirthing course will explain the process of birth in general, and help you explore your options around pain management and induction. Our group sessions give you all the information you need to create your own plan, and help you make friends for life (while having a bit of fun along the way). Our hypnobirthing instructor has experience in both the teaching and the birth & parenting industries, and we’re able to help you understand the potential options and challenges ahead so that you can have the most positive birth experience possible.

Virtual Group


Support available on-demand, in the comfort of your own home.

    • Full in-depth antenatal programme available online

  • Enjoy learning at home where you feel comfortable

  • Learn at your own pace at any stage of your pregnancy

    • Have the resources at your fingertips to refer to time and again

    • Easy to follow instructions for simple but highly effective practice

    • All the supporting documents you need

    • Facebook support group

Most Popular



Group support in-person.
Please email us at [email protected] to enquire about future dates.

    • KGH hypnobirthing programme with 4 virtual classes

    • Gift pack

    • Hypnobirthing resources

    • KGH book

    • Ongoing chat support up to the birth of your baby



Individual coaching tailored to you.
Contact us via [email protected] to discuss a time that suits you

    • KGH hypnobirthing programme with 4 virtual or face-to-face one-to-one classes

    • Gift pack

    • Hypnobirthing resources

    • KGH book

    • Ongoing chat support leading up to the birth of your baby

Frequently Asked Questions

Woman sending text on her phone
Helen was such an amazing help for my third pregnancy and birth. I had some residual feelings and reservations after my previous two births, which Helen addressed and despite only having a short time working with her I can wholeheartedly say that she had such a positive impact on this birth experience!

Get in touch

If you want to know about our services, and how we can help you on your own parenting journey, then you can book an appointment or get in touch using the links below.